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Cloud Hosting

Your sustainable virtual data center with OpenStack

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Sovereign Cloud Stack Logo
Optimal support for your IT

Our sovereign cloud services

With the ScaleUp Open Cloud, you rent highly available, managed cloud resources on demand - flexible, cost-efficient and scalable. Our open infrastructure is based on the latest OCP and OpenStack technology and offers maximum redundancy and reliability.

Regardless of whether you need five or a hundred virtual servers or want to choose between Private Cloud and Public Cloud decide: We accompany you every step of the way Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)-project - from planning and implementation through to smooth operation.


IaaS / Public Cloud

High-availability, leased cloud server infrastructures (IaaS), sustainably operated with green power in Germany.

Private Cloud

Private cloud individually hosted for you in our data centers in Berlin, Hamburg or Düsseldorf.


Get started quickly with Kubernetes with our Kubernetes clusters managed individually for you - optionally with site-distributed load balancing, disaster recovery and many other features.


High availability cloud storage

Highly available block storage & object storage based on CEPH.

Cloud Native Consulting / Migration

Are you planning a move from an existing cloud infrastructure? For your cloud transition projects we offer competent consulting: (Microservices, Edge Computing, Hybrid Cloud, IoT, Big Data...).

Nextcloud: Open Source Cloud Storage

Nextcloud is an OpenSource based and German hosted cloud storage solution that allows you to store your data virtually in the cloud very cheaply, securely and DSGVO compliant: unlimited, with end-to-end encryption and many admin features.

Sovereign Cloud Stack Logo
100% Green Energy
Cloud Hosting

3 regional cloud locations

The ScaleUp Open Cloud is unique in Germany. Hosted on refurbished Open Compute hardware in our state-of-the-art data centers, it sets new standards in terms of efficiency and environmental friendliness.

With the latest OCC2 Cloud, we offer an infrastructure that is fully compliant with the Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS)*. All SCS-certified clouds are tested daily for compliance with the standards - the results of the tests are publicly viewable.

Our cloud data centers are all ISO/IEC 27001 certified and meet the highest security and quality standards. The ScaleUp Open Cloud enables flexible use for cloud computing (IaaS), Managed Kubernetes or

* The scs-compatible-iaas standard guarantees vendor-independent, uniform images, flavors and APIs to avoid vendor lock-in.

What sets us apart from other cloud providers

100% Green power

Since 2020, all ScaleUp data centers have been running on certified green electricity from partly regional, renewable energies (excluding nuclear power), most data center sites since 2012.

Refurbished Hardware

ScaleUp is switching to refurbished hardware wherever possible. In 2020, the share was 40 percent, and in 2021 it was already over 60 percent. We are thus saving around 42% emissions for IT hardware.

Open Infrastructure

There is no vendor lock-in. You can freely choose your cloud providers and switch at any time. You also get full API access and are free to choose the operating system for your environment.

DSGVO compliant

Keep full control over your business critical data. The ScaleUp Open Cloud is hosted 100 % in Germany and complies with strict European data protection standards (DSGVO).


We clearly and understandably communicate our SLA, prices, and our sustainability goals and measures for climate-friendly hosting.

Personal support

In the event of an emergency, and even on weekdays, you will always have a dedicated and experienced system administrator to help you with any problems or questions you may have.

Do you have questions about our cloud service offerings?

ScaleUp Open Cloud Icon

Open Cloud Features

The ScaleUp Open Cloud is a public cloud and as such offers quickly available computing, storage and network resources that can be flexibly adapted as required and remotely (agile infrastructure). You can use your own boot images and create highly available, location-mirrored cloud infrastructures according to your needs.


Block Storage

Object Storage



Further features

What's next?

What happens after your inquiry with us?


Initial consultation

We advise you personally on your questions and create a requirements profile together with you.


Setup design

With the help of your requirements profile, we create an individual setup design for your managed cloud solution.



Depending on the setup variant, you can start your virtual data center in a few hours or days.

IaaS vs. Hosted Private Cloud

What are the differences between an IaaS and a hosted private cloud solution? For which use case are they suitable?

OCP based Cloud IaaS HostingOCP based Private Cloud Hosting

Public Cloud

You will receive your own virtual data center environment with its own IP network area, access to the OpenStack Horizon dashboard and full API access in an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model. You can provision your own virtual machines (VMs) and extend them with block / object-based storage (Ceph, Swift), load balancing, etc. 

Private Cloud

Building a private cloud requires significant financial and time investment, not to mention technical expertise. With a Managed Private Cloud variant (also Hosted Private Cloud), we take over the planning, setup and ongoing management of the cloud environment for you.

Open Infrastructure

Why OpenStack

OpenStack allows virtual machines (VMs), containers (e.g. Docker), bare metal and dedicated IT infrastructures to be orchestrated on a single network. The OpenStack platform's open source code guarantees transparency and flexibility independent of specific vendors and providers. Vendor lock-in and expensive software licensing fees are eliminated.

OpenStack is the most widely used free cloud management platform and the leading open source project for cloud computing. OpenStack was founded in 2010 as an open source project by NASA and Rackspace. Today, the OpenStack community consists of more than 81,000 members and over 670 supporting companies. OpenStack supporters include some of the world's largest technology companies.
Demo account

14 days OpenStack test environment

You will receive your own 14-day trial access to our OpenStack environment. There, you can take full advantage of our IaaS offering and provision any virtual machine (VM) instances yourself. You can extend your instances with block-based storage (Ceph), object-based storage (Swift), load balancing, and more.

If you start with a real IaaS account after the test phase, your settings from the test environment are retained and you receive your own virtual data center environment (VDC) from us with your own IP network area, access to the OpenStack Horizon Dashboard and full API access. The billing of the IaaS account is flexible and purely usage-based according to our current Price list. Individual pricing based on minimum order quantities and longer terms is also possible. Please contact us in this regard!

Do you have questions about our cloud services?

We offer various cloud server configurations that are assembled according to your requirements. If you need an individual setup for your application, we will be happy to advise you on the design of the optimal server infrastructure. This service is of course free of charge for you.

Send us your cloud hosting request. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

ScaleUp Technologies