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ScaleUp Blog

Our topics: Data centers, open compute, cloud, green tech

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Sustainable promotion of education: server donation for Hamburg school

Digital education is getting a big boost in Hamburg: from August 2025, computer science will be a compulsory...

ScaleUp Technologies joins the German Data Center Association

We are pleased to announce that ScaleUp Technologies has become an official member of the German Data...

ScaleUp Technologies expands with acquisition of the ODN data center in Nuremberg-Fürth

ScaleUp Technologies expands its portfolio with a state-of-the-art, self-operated data center in Nuremberg-Fürth.

All Posts

Partnership with the Sovereign Cloud Stack

ScaleUp Technologies supports the Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS) for open and sustainable cloud standards

25th company anniversary: A thank you to all guests and customers

On September 29, ScaleUp celebrated its 25th anniversary with many colleagues, friends, customers and suppliers....

2800 miles across the Pacific

On July 25, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. local time (Hawaii), the Pacific Floaters team...

SONiC Open Networking: Megatrend in network technology

Open Networking (also known as Disaggregated Networking) enables the use of open software network switches, i.e. network technology, on the...

Final preparations - Pacific Challenge 2023

The Atlantic Campaigns' first Pacific Challenge will be held June 12, 2023, with up to...

This was the OCP Summit in Prague

After a break of several years, the Regional OCP Summit was held in Prague on April 19 and 20....

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