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ScaleUp Blog

Our topics: Data centers, open compute, cloud, green tech

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Sustainable promotion of education: server donation for Hamburg school

Digital education is getting a big boost in Hamburg: from August 2025, computer science will be a compulsory...

ScaleUp Technologies joins the German Data Center Association

We are pleased to announce that ScaleUp Technologies has become an official member of the German Data...

ScaleUp Technologies expands with acquisition of the ODN data center in Nuremberg-Fürth

ScaleUp Technologies expands its portfolio with a state-of-the-art, self-operated data center in Nuremberg-Fürth.

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ScaleUp is the main sponsor of the Pacific Floaters - Pacific Challenge 2023

The Pacific Challenge is considered the toughest rowing race in the world, where participants from...

ScaleUp becomes official member of the Open Compute Foundation

As of the beginning of 2023, ScaleUp Technologies is an official member of the Open Compute Project Foundation...

Results of the ScaleUp Customer Survey 2022

ScaleUp Achieves 100% Customer Satisfaction in Recent Customer Survey November 2022 In November, we...

Where is the journey going for Open Compute? Impressions from the OCP Summit 2022

This year, from October 18-20, the annual global Open Compute Project Summit was held in San...

Impressions of the Opening Event at the Rechenzentrum Berlin-Mahlsdorf

On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, the opening ceremony of our new and third Berlin Data Center...

First data center with innovative waste heat recovery in Berlin

The first large-scale plant for innovative waste heat utilization in a data center is being built in Berlin-Mahlsdorf. ScaleUp Technologies...

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