Digital education is getting a big boost in Hamburg: from August 2025, computer science will be a compulsory...
We are pleased to announce that ScaleUp Technologies has become an official member of the German Data...
ScaleUp Technologies expands its portfolio with a state-of-the-art, self-operated data center in Nuremberg-Fürth.
Bitkom Research, with the help of the Borderstep Institute, has conducted a recent study on the data center market in...
The expansion of our new data center location in Berlin-Mahlsdorf is now entering the final hot phase. The...
Currently, the final planning for a third ScaleUp data center location in Berlin is underway. Expected to open in spring...
The IPv6 protocol can process packets more efficiently, improve performance and increase security. In our...
The IPv6 protocol can process packets more efficiently, improve performance and increase security. In our...
Since the end of May, we have now had a direct contact at the Berlin and Hamburg...
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