Digital education is getting a big boost in Hamburg: from August 2025, computer science will be a compulsory...
We are pleased to announce that ScaleUp Technologies has become an official member of the German Data...
ScaleUp Technologies expands its portfolio with a state-of-the-art, self-operated data center in Nuremberg-Fürth.
Perhaps you are wondering whether you too can contribute something to more sustainability in the rented data center...
After our introduction to the topic of OpenCompute Hardware, in this post of our OCP series we want to...
ScaleUp joins the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact - a self-regulatory initiative of data center operators...
Open compute hardware (open source hardware) has enormous potential to sustainably improve resource efficiency in data centers....
An application appears slower than usual? Besides CPU and memory resources, mass storage is also...
Without subnetting, the Internet would collapse under the data load in seconds. But how exactly does...
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