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ScaleUp Blog

Our topics: Data centers, open compute, cloud, green tech

New Posts in our Blog

Sustainable promotion of education: server donation for Hamburg school

Digital education is getting a big boost in Hamburg: from August 2025, computer science will be a compulsory...

ScaleUp Technologies joins the German Data Center Association

We are pleased to announce that ScaleUp Technologies has become an official member of the German Data...

ScaleUp Technologies expands with acquisition of the ODN data center in Nuremberg-Fürth

ScaleUp Technologies expands its portfolio with a state-of-the-art, self-operated data center in Nuremberg-Fürth.

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Nextcloud for universities and schools

Educational institutions may not simply use the most popular cloud data storage solutions, as they often do not comply with the...

Is cloud storage secure and compliant with the GDPR?

Three criteria for DSGVO-compliant cloud data storage - Cloud computing is in demand like never before and ScaleUp...

Dream Team: Managed IaC and DevOps

IaC makes it even easier for users to consume cloud resources. In addition, continuous...

Review of ContainerDays 2019 in Hamburg

The combination of concise, educational presentations and cool hipster atmosphere set ContainerDays apart from...

ScaleUp Technologies becomes DE-CIX DirectCLOUD Partner

Cloud hosting specialist ScaleUp Technologies is now a DE-CIX DirectCLOUD ISP partner and has expanded its IaaS offering (Infrastructure-as-a-Service...

The architecture of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a software that enables the orchestration and monitoring of microservice containers on the cluster, service,...

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