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ScaleUp & EuroCloud Cloud Breakfast in Hamburg

On September 6, 2016, the first Cloud Breakfast took place at the Hamburg Data Center in Süderstraße. Under the motto "Decision-making stages on the way to the (multi-) cloud", there were three interesting presentations and the opportunity to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere over breakfast.

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The Cloud Breakfast was created by EuroCloud Germany and ScaleUp to provide IT decision makers with guidance in the complex cloud jungle. The two guest presentations by Andreas Weiss (Director EuroCloud Germany) and Lars Heymeyer (Managing Director, SENTINEL Systemlösungen GmbH) came from the topic worlds:

  • Selection of cloud solutions and the right cloud provider as well as
  • Practical examples in the area of managed hybrid clouds.

Following the presentations, event participants were able to take part in a guided data center tour to see virtual server infrastructures in live operation and to ask further questions. At the end of the morning, there were lively discussions and further exchange on various cloud topics.

Impressions from the Cloud Breakfast

At this point a big thank you to all participants of the Cloud Breakfast!


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