ScaleUp and HKN present the first, fully open and on-premises distributed cloud at the OpenStack Summit in Berlin, Nov 13-15, 2018.
The ScaleUp Cloud gets even bigger. With HKN as a partner, ScaleUp establishes a joint multi-site cloud hosting offering: de:stack becomes the first site-distributed and DSGVO-compliant cloud offering hosted in multiple German cities and based on open technology standards (OpenStack, Ceph).
Virtual, site-distributed data center - hosted at 100% in Germany
Together, ScaleUp and HKN are building a virtual, distributed data center for Germany. de:stack will initially be available at three locations - Berlin, Hamburg and Düsseldorf - with Frankfurt to follow in 2019.
Users can choose to set up their own virtual data center in Hamburg, Berlin or Düsseldorf and, if required, combine it with their own servers in the data center to form a hybrid cloud. de:stack represents a German-hosted alternative to the cloud offerings of AWS, Azure, Google & Co. that ensures secure, DSGVO-compliant IT operations.
Full OpenStack API access
A major advantage is the open structure of the cloud. The technical basis is the most important open source cloud framework OpenStack. Since 2015, ScaleUp has specialized in virtualization solutions with OpenStack and has since successfully implemented these for medium-sized companies and IT system houses in the form of public and hybrid cloud environments. However, the step towards a supra-regional hosting cooperation is new on the cloud hosting market and so far unique in Germany. The unrestricted access to the OpenStack API also avoids a vendor lock-in effect and allows users to flexibly integrate external cloud environments or dedicated workloads (composable infrastructure).