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ScaleUp Blog

ScaleUp Events 2018

This year ScaleUp is once again participating in numerous interesting cloud hosting events and trade shows! Meet us in person at one of the event dates below to ask questions or learn about OpenStack and Managed IT solutions. We will be happy to take your call at "Meet ScaleUp" to receive your appointment suggestions.

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Date Event Location Meet ScaleUp
24.-26.06. ContainerDays 2019 Hamburg
15.08. DE-CIX Roundtable Hamburg Arrange appointment
27.08. K8s Meetup @Mesophere Hamburg Info / Register
28.-29.08. System house congress CHANCES Düsseldorf Arrange appointment
29.08. DE-CIX Roundtable Düsseldorf Arrange appointment
24.-26.09. German OpenStack Days 2019 Berlin Arrange appointment
12.-14.09. Hamburg Arrange appointment
13.-14.11. TECHWEEK Frankfurt Arrange appointment



Are you interested in a consultation or do you have questions about our services?

ScaleUp Technologies expands with acquisition of ODN data center in Nuremberg-Fürth

ScaleUp Technologies expands its portfolio with a state-of-the-art, self-operated data center in Nuremberg-Fürth.

ScaleUp Technologies goes live with SCS-compatible IaaS Cloud

ScaleUp Technologies announces the official launch of its latest Open Cloud. The Open Compute Cloud 2 (OCC2) is not only our first cloud that is fully compliant with the Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS) IaaS standard, it is also the...

The sustainability potential of HTMX

In modern web development, JavaScript frameworks play a central role in designing interactive user interfaces. However, these frameworks also bring challenges such as code overhead, longer loading times and higher energy consumption. A new approach that is currently...

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ScaleUp Technologies