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ScaleUp Blog

ScaleUp organizes OpenStack User Group Berlin and Hamburg

OCP Regional Summit Prague

Frank and Christoph organize from now on beside the OpenStack User Group Hamburg (currently 122 listed members) also includes the OpenStack User Group Berlin (currently 235 members). We want to exchange ideas with you, clarify questions, solve problems and avoid mistakes that regularly occur when building an OpenStack (Multi) Cloud.

Hamburg just met this week. Stronger topics discussed included:
  • Features and experiences on the latest OpenStack Pike release
  • Integration of Ceph into the OpenStack infrastructure
  • Practical report by Bernd Sünkel (b'nerd UG, @pengdan) on Kubernetes on OpenStack. Bernd reported on his experiences (good and bad) from 2 years of working with Kubernetes and OpenStack

The Next date for the OpenStack User Group Berlin is already fixed. We will meet on Thursday, March 22, 2018 between 18:00 to 20:30 at ScaleUp Rechenzentrum (Nonnendammallee 15, Berlin Spandau).

Feel free to come by and name us in advance here / @scaleup Your topic requests. Here you can register for the next Meetup Berlin date.


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