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ScaleUp joins the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact

ScaleUp joins the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact - a self-regulatory initiative of data center operators with the goal of making data centers in Europe climate neutral by 2030.
Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact
ScaleUp joins the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact a self-regulatory initiative of data center operators with the aim of making data centers in Europe climate-neutral by 2030. The initiative was developed in cooperation with the European Commission. The alliance of 18 associations and over 20 companies represents the most important European companies in the field of cloud infrastructure and data centers.

Companies that have signed the agreement commit to specific, measurable targets for 2025 and 2030, including improving energy efficiency, sourcing 100 percent CO2-free energy and water conservation by selecting efficient and suitable cooling solutions. In addition to energy efficiency, clean energy and water, other objectives include circular economy, circular energy (e.g. use of waste heat) and governance.

The European Commission will review the initiative's progress toward achieving its goals twice a year.

ScaleUp is a business hosting company with 20 years of experience in server colocation, managed hosting and operates own cloud infrastructures. Since 2019 we strive to reduce our carbon footprint at our 6 data center locations in Hamburg, Berlin and Düsseldorf and participate in the ECOPROFIT program 2020/21. We are happy to answer Your questions regarding climate-friendly hosting.


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