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ScaleUp Technologies expands with acquisition of the ODN data center in Nuremberg-Fürth

ScaleUp Colocation Data Center Nuremberg-Fürth
ScaleUp Technologies expands its portfolio with a state-of-the-art, self-operated data center in Nuremberg-Fürth.

We are really pleased to announce the acquisition of ODN OnlineDienst Nordbayern GmbH & Co. KG (ODN). The acquisition of the ODN data center not only allows us to enter the southern German market, but also underlines our commitment to sustainable digitization in Germany. With the expansion, ScaleUp gains over 2,000 square meters of state-of-the-art technical space, which we can expand, operate and use innovatively according to our own ideas.

Pioneer in sustainability

What makes the new data center so special: It is ahead of its time! With an impressive PUE value of 1.2, the site already meets the strict requirements of the Energy Efficiency Act for 2026.

  • 100% Supply through renewable energies
  • Innovative CoolW@ll® air conditioning technology
  • 87% of the year free cooling

Security at the highest level

In addition to sustainability, the focus is on security. The data center meets the highest security and certification requirements that our customers are accustomed to:

  • ISO/IEC 27001 and DIN EN50600 certified
  • Multi-level access control systems
  • Comprehensive fire alarm system
  • Fully automatic, section-accurate argon gas extinguishing system
  • Comprehensive building security technology

Strategic importance for our customers

The central location of the data center, around 200 km from Frankfurt and directly on the Berlin-Munich high-speed rail line, opens up completely new possibilities for us and our customers.

"The increasing demands of our customers in terms of geo-redundancy, availability and compliance require us to expand not only our infrastructure but also our business areas," says our Managing Director Christoph Streit, explaining the strategic decision.

Growth with vision

The acquisition of the ODN data center is more than just a site expansion. It is part of our vision to make data center services more sustainable and efficient. The integration enables us to make decisive progress in several areas: In addition to the expanded geographical presence in southern Germany, we gain optimized control over the entire value chain. This leads to improved cost structures and at the same time enables us to build up valuable expertise in sustainable data center operations. This combination of strategic expansion and operational expertise strengthens our position as a future-oriented IT service partner.


With this strategic acquisition, ScaleUp Technologies is positioning itself even more strongly as a leading provider of sustainable and highly available enterprise cloud and data center services in Germany. By expanding the portfolio to include the Nuremberg-Fürth location, we can offer our customers even better geographical coverage while optimizing cost structures.

The acquisition of the ODN data center is an important milestone on our path to shaping the digital transformation in a sustainable way. We look forward to working with our customers to exploit the new and exciting opportunities of sustainable digitalization.

Would you like to find out more about our sustainable data center services? Get in touch with us for a personal conversation.


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ScaleUp Technologies expands with acquisition of ODN data center in Nuremberg-Fürth

ScaleUp Technologies expands its portfolio with a state-of-the-art, self-operated data center in Nuremberg-Fürth.

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