
Colocation Rack

ISO 27001 Certified Data Center Seal
100% Green Energy

Sofort verfügbar

Fixed costs, more transparency and 350 EUR monatlich günstiger! Die Colocation Racks im Aktionstarif sind sofort verfügbar.

Colocation Rack Special

Always transparent costs and über 350 EUR monatlich sparen! Nutzen Sie unseren Standort in Nürnberg-Fürth für Ihre Projekte.


1349 /month
  • 999,- EUR Rackmiete
  • 350,- EUR Internet flat rate


999 /month
  • inkl. 42 HE Rackmiete
  • inkl. 2 kW Strom
  • incl. Internet flat rate.

24/7/365 customer support

Personal contacts around the clock

Individual service

You will receive a suitable service offer according to your individual needs.

ISO 27001

Both the data centers themselves and our service are certified according to ISO/IEC 27001 standard.

Carrier neutral

Connected to all major international Internet hubs via a high-performance backbone.

Enquire today and get a Get a quote received!

(+49) 40 59380 250

Mon - Fri 9:00 - 18:00

Address Hermann-Glockner-Str. 7, 90763 Fürth


Colocation ScaleUp Technologies

Server Housing since 1998

For 25 years, we have been helping customers to make their IT infrastructure fit for the future. Today, we also want to help companies make the leap to sustainable digitalization.

Focus on sustainability

On the path to sustainable digitalization

Fish farming and waste heat recovery from data centers

Waste heat recovery

Am Standort Nürnberg-Fürth ist eine Nutzung der Abwärme des Rechenzentrums geplant.

Green power socket

100% green electricity

We have been using 100 percent renewable electricity at all locations since 2019.

Cold aisle containment

Cold aisle containment in colocation makes an important contribution to greater energy efficiency in the data center.

Certified location

Der Standort in Nürnberg-Fürth ist besonders nachhaltig und ISO50001 zertifiziert.

Open Source

based technologies

Customer testimonials

"Many thanks for the fast and uncomplicated implementation of the commissioning of our new rack. Very competent contact persons and an excellent handling speed make the work easier for everyone. It is fun to know a knowledgeable contact person on your side. Keep it up."
"A very friendly and competent team. Any requests are handled very promptly. Always happy to do business with us again!"
"Good account manager, quick accessibility, fast and solution oriented customer service."
ScaleUp Technologies