Data Center Nuremberg-Fürth
- Hermann-Glockner-Str. 7, 90763 Fürth
On site
PUE 1.2
ISO/IEC 27001
DIN EN50600
ISO 50001
CoolWall, free cooling
100% Green power
Gas extinguishing system
Full-surface BMA
People & vehicle locks
Services at the site
IaaS / Cloud Hosting
Dedicated Server / Open Compute
24/7 monitoring & support
IP connection / upstream
Remote Hands Services
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Technical data
The entire power supply of the Nuremberg-Fürth data center, including the critical technical building systems such as air conditioning, cooling, ventilation and security systems, is ensured by an uninterruptible A and B supply as well as an emergency power system. In addition, the Nuremberg-Fürth data center has its own feeds at the 20 kV level.
UPS systems and associated battery systems have a redundant design for each A and B supply and can bridge the power supply for at least 15 minutes at 100 % maximum load on A or B supply. The emergency power system is controlled automatically so that the generator starts automatically if the power supply from a power supplier fails. The fuel stored is sufficient to ensure the entire power supply to the site for 48 hours without interruption.
- 20 kV feed-in
- Separate UPS systems (separate, fully redundant A and B supplies)
- Diesel generator (1 x 0.6 MVA) as emergency power system with 48-hour diesel supply
- Electricity from 100 percent renewable energy
- Use of CoolWall as a particularly energy-saving recirculating air cooling system solution
- PUE ~1.2 (Power Usage Effectiveness)
- 87% Free cooling
- Certified energy management in accordance with ISO 50001
- Enclosure of the cold aisles between the racks
- Multiple redundant chillers and free coolers with higher-level group control
- Redundant, UPS-supported building management systems (BMS) for monitoring all technical equipment and systems
- Ventilation and air conditioning systems with ventilation and dehumidification
Fire Pro
Only special non-combustible or flame-retardant materials were used for the interior fit-out of the colocation area in the Nuremberg-Fürth data center. The individual data center areas are divided into separate fire protection zones. Comprehensive firefighting and fire protection systems are installed within each area.
- Several fire compartments of fire resistance class F 90 A
- All technical and hardware rooms as F 90 A fire fighting sections
- Comprehensive monitoring of all rooms and levels
- Early fire detection through automatic, digital smoke detectors, heat detectors and RAS systems
- Automatic argon gas extinguishing system for flooding the computer rooms
The Nuremberg-Fürth data center has comprehensive security certification in accordance with ISO 27001 and DIN EN50600. Physical, technical and personnel security are guaranteed by a multi-level security system that begins with the monitoring of the data center site and the respective buildings and ends with the control of the colocation area and the individual systems:
- Comprehensive security certification in accordance with TÜV Level 3, ISO 27001 and DIN EN50600
- Video surveillance system for the building in combination with a hazard alarm system
- Secure site boundaries with safety fencing that includes climb over and crawl under protection
- 24/7 network monitoring & on-call service 365 days a year
- Currently staffed access to the building and colocation; in future, access controls will be carried out using contactless chip cards and individual access gates
- Closed-circuit video surveillance of doors and entrances with automatic intrusion alarm
- Redundant, UPS-supported building management systems (BMS) for monitoring all technical equipment and systems
- Various sensors inside and outside the buildings for intrusion detection
Optimal connection of the data center to central transfer points in the Nuremberg metro region, as well as a direct connection to Frankfurt (including DECIX).
- 10/40 Gigabit backbone high-speed connection
- 99.99% Availability
- Fiber optic connection point Nuremberg and Fürth possible
- Connection to all important peering points