Why ScaleUp

8 reasons for ScaleUp Or, why you should talk to us.
Welcome to ScaleUp Technologies. For 25 years we are business hosters with passion and work successfully and in partnership with our customers and well-known system houses. We would also be happy to support you in the operation of your business-critical infrastructure.
All ScaleUp data centers are networked with each other and are located in Berlin, Hamburg, Nuremberg and Düsseldorf. This enables particularly secure, redundant or distributed IT infrastructure setups.
ISO 27001 certified
Your IT infrastructures and data are secured in the best possible way. We are ISO 27001 certified. ScaleUp data centers also meet the highest security requirements according to Tier 3 standard and European ISO/IEC 27001 standard.
24/7/365 support
An experienced ScaleUp technician is personally available 24/7 to advise you or to provide immediate on-site support in case of problems. No queues, no chat robots.
ScaleUp data centers are carrier-neutral via a dedicated High-performance backbone and over many Carrier & Peering Partner connected to all major international Internet hubs.
ScaleUp is a pioneer in sustainable digitization and climate-friendly hosting.
- Since 2020 100% Green power
- E-Carpool
- GHG compensation
- Refurbished OCP Hardware
Open Source Technologies
We have an open-source-first philosophy and are one of few providers of open-source cloud technologies in Germany. You have maximum freedom in setting up classic or virtual server infrastructures.
Trust needs clarity. That's why we transparently communicate our prices, our goals and values, as well as reliable Service Level Agreements (SLA), which in addition to technical accessibility also include provisioning, maintenance and repair time windows.
We are a reliable partner. ScaleUp has a very low customer turnover. In one 2022 customer survey conducted we received a recommendation & satisfaction rate of 100 percent.